Priority Round: Deep Dive

3 min readJul 6, 2023

As the excitement surrounding Spin’s token sale continues to build, participants eagerly anticipate the Priority (Freaky Elves) Round, an exclusive opportunity tailored specifically for dedicated community members. In this article, we will delve into the details of this highly anticipated round, providing an in-depth understanding of its rules, tokenomics, and valuable resources to ensure a seamless participation experience.

Round Details

The Priority (Freaky Elves) Round is designed to reward loyal Spin community members with early access to the token sale. By holding Freaky Elves NFTs, participants gain an exclusive opportunity to purchase SPIN tokens before the general public. This round not only demonstrates Spin’s commitment to its dedicated supporters but also encourages community engagement and inclusivity.

During the Priority (Freaky Elves) Round, participants will have the chance to secure SPIN tokens by following these key rules:

  1. Eligibility: To participate in the Priority Round, participants must hold Freaky Elves NFTs. You can buy one on Paras.
  2. Purchase Limits: Participants are subject to maximum purchase limits based on the number of NFTs owned. Each activated NFT incrementally increases the maximum allocation by $1,000, with a maximum limit of $10,000 for ten NFTs. The minimum purchase limit is $100.
  3. Vesting: 25% of purchased tokens are unlocked immediately after the TLE (Token Listing Event). The other tokens are linearly vested for 4 months.

The Token Generation Event (TGE) must occur before the token sale, enabling the bridging of tokens to the NEAR Protocol. Therefore, public sale vestings are calculated based on the Token Listing Event (TLE) or when the token becomes available for trading.

The Priority Round will be hosted on the Spin platform. The link to join the token sale will be published later. All Freaky Elves holders will have an opportunity to buy out an allocation.

Useful Links

To stay informed and prepare for the Priority Round, here are some essential resources:

  1. Spin Website: Visit the official Spin website at to access the latest updates, news, and information about the project.
  2. Freaky Elves Collection: Explore the fascinating world of Freaky Elves, NEAR Protocol’s top collection, and ensure you own the required NFTs to participate in the Priority Round.
  3. Spin Token Sale Documentation: For comprehensive details on the token sale process, rules, and guidelines, refer to the Spin Token Sale Documentation available at

The Priority (Freaky Elves) Round on Spin presents an exclusive opportunity for loyal community members to engage in the token sale and acquire SPIN tokens before the general public. By adhering to the round’s rules and utilizing the provided resources, participants can ensure a smooth and rewarding experience.

Stay updated with Spin’s official website, explore the captivating Freaky Elves collection, and consult the Spin Token Sale Documentation for comprehensive information.

Prepare to be part of the vibrant Spin community and seize the opportunity to contribute to the future of decentralized trading and investment.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Participants should conduct their own research and consult with financial professionals before making any investment decisions.




Spin is a 360° decentralized trading and investments platform built on NEAR Protocol.